Location Assist Service: Privacy policy


Location Assist Service is an Android application (the App) written by Vadim Rokhlenko. The App is available on Google Play.

I hereby state, to the best of my knowledge and belief, that the App does not collect or disseminate any personal information. The only data the App utilizes is the GPS locations (time stamp, latitude, longitude and altitude) of the device it is running on. The above locations can indeed be saved on the device for the purpose of calculating and displaying certain statistics or images but they are stored in the private to the App memory inaccessible to any other application. The user can delete stored information at any point using the App's functionality. The user also can share stored information with a third party via facilities offered by the device such as e-mail or various messengers if he or she so desires but this requires an explicit action by the user and is completely optional. In case the user uninstalls the application all stored information is erased.

Explanation of permissions requested by the App




Allows the App to run even when user isn't interacting with the app


Prevents the App from going to sleep and thus losing the ability to perform its functions


Allows the App to access GPS location while running in the background


Allows the App to draw over other applications. MUST BE GRANTED BY THE USER EXPLICITELY UPON FIRST RUN OF THE APP.


Allows the App to determine as precise a location as possible from the available location providers. MUST BE GRANTED BY THE USER EXPLICITELY UPON FIRST RUN OF THE APP.


Allows the App to determine the device's approximate location. MUST BE GRANTED BY THE USER EXPLICITELY UPON FIRST RUN OF THE APP.


If you find any security vulnerability that has been inadvertently caused by me, or have any question regarding how the App protects your privacy, please send me an email.

Yours sincerely,

Vadim Rokhlenko
